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Story/Hook Ideas



Story to hook reader What happens when people don’t think like God Comparisons Living well vs preparing for eternity Being spiritual vs discovering/embracing spiritual nature that’s already there Persecution is avoidable vs persecution is desired (because it transforms) Making God King vs realizing God was always my king and I was just blind Sculpting David,making the stone look like David vs taking away that which was not David Behaving well vs surrendering to God Studying for knowledge (or worse, superiority) vs studying for approval by God Wanting heaven for the mansion vs wanting heaven for the presence of God Will you be disappointed? What if there was no mansion or reward? Would gods presence be enough for you? Loving others because it’s expected vs loving others because we see them how God the Father sees them Serving in the church because it’s expected by other humans vs serving because it’s s chance to participate in helping others fall in love with God Pray for healing vs pray for peace Following Jesus for the fanfare or what I can receive on earth or following him because he’s the guide to eternity Want the HS for gifts or for transformation Giving for recognition or becajde there is need (my need to release, their need to feel love) Abstain from sin because I’ll be punished or will lose something vs abstain from sin because its a complete waste of time as I am being prepared for eternity Repent from sin because I don’t want to lose my spot in heaven vs repent because I crave transformation and don’t want to slow down the HS Enraged by public sin of non-believers vs thankful that they have revealed their lostness like a flag and that someone/I might take the risk to share Christ with them Hearing another boring sermon because I have to vs because I believe God can renew my mind even through a poor public speaker or boring sermon Fear judgement because it will reveal my secret sins vs accept judgement because it leads to purity and love and being in His presence Acting righteous for human approval vs being righteous because that’s what God is making you

Personal Stories

Rob H, Felon Stephen Curtis C, loss of child John Mark H, Loss of wife David Y, stage 4 cancer Judah, middle school Jacob, atheist Me, healed from cancer Mike L, moral failure Corey T, suicide attempts Shane Claiborne, life before conversion Tony M, artist, loss of truit Randy H, single Job, loss of everything Paul, converted Christian killer Jerome W, ministry James D, loss of focus on the family Jeff M, health struggles, loss of voice, struggling ministry