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Vision Renewal: the HS transforms our perspective (aka sanctification)


God’s effort, not our own

  1. Not an opportunity to relax, we must stay available to God’s work
  2. The HS transforms us

Clarity - We begin to see things more clearly

  1. The “actual” reality of things, not our immature, world-inspired reality
  2. Salvation see as only a beginning
  3. Realize we are eternal (always have been)
  4. God’s version of “Good” is worth blindly trusting
  5. His plan is better, every time
  6. Every “bad experience” is actually a good experience
  7. Growth is preparation for eternity, “bring it on!”
  8. Temporal, earthly ending (death) is a pass to the real life intended for us

Perspective Transplant - As our perspective is replaced by His, we begin to

  1. trust Him more 1. Define “trust”
  2. love others more 1. Define “love” 1. See the lost with compassion
  3. seek the Kingdom of God (it was always there) more consistently
  4. bear the fruit of the Spirit (others will be able to see it)
  5. see sin as a waste of time/energy
  6. Show the fruit of the spirit (not some WE produce)